Trapped Inside

I am lost inside of you
and can't get out
wrapped in the pain
of the memories of you

The way to your heart
is the path I took
not knowing what
I would be coming to

Even through the path was rocky
It left me breathless
as I yearned for you

The pain in my heart
ran deep in me
it was a choice that
god choose for me

I cried in silence
as I looked at you
not knowing what
I was going to do

I thought of ways
to make you see
the pain in my heart
that you caused for me

I wanted you to see
what you done to me
but I knew
you wouldn't see

So I deiced to make you see
no matter what it took or
I had to do

So one gloomy night
I wrote you a letter
to say to you
my last good-bye's

I explained to you
the pain you caused
and said to you'll see
what you done to me

But by the time you
read this letter I will
be gone to a better place

I went to the house
with the letter
put it in the mail box
and ran

I prayed to god one last time
to beg for forgiveness
after what I have done

I took the gun
out of the case
and pulled the trigger
and there I lay

I finally eased
my pain inside
hoping that you would finally see

You never play
with people that way
cause at the end
you'll be the one in all the pain